Turning an SEO Audit From a Technical Nightmare Into Plain English

Turning an SEO Audit From a Technical Nightmare Into Plain English

When you look at an SEO audit, you will see a bunch of numbers ranging up to 500. These numbers show you what is wrong with your site. While there may be some quick fixes in the lower numbers that you can fix in seconds, you should concentrate on those in the 400s to make your site more crawlable and to make your customers more satisfied with your website. Here are some typical numbers that you will want to watch out for when looking at your SEO audit.  

Look at the First Number

The first number in the error code tells you where the problem exists in general terms. If the three-digit number starts with a five, then the problem exists on the server. Statuses that begin with four indicate that there is a problem with the client.  Codes starting with three shows that the request is being redirected to a new location. If a page is operating correctly, then you will see a code beginning with a two. Finally, you will see a code starting with a one if the audit contains information that you need to know.  

404 Not Found

You will see a 404 error on pages where the server has not found anything. When a user sees one of these, then your trustworthiness as a business goes down. You may see this error for an entire page or elements, such as images, on a page. It may be impossible to avoid all 404 mistakes, so you should create a specialized 404 page that will display when the customer finds a page that is not available right now.  

403 Forbidden

This code appears when the server understood the request, but it was unwilling to do it for some reason. This code can be a cause for concern because your target audience members cannot see content on the page. In order to fix this problem, make sure that a server is appropriately authorized and that you have uploaded your files and directories to their proper places. You also need to make sure that your site’s home page is called either index.html or index.php. You need to create a customized 403-page assuring customers that you are working on getting the problem fixed as quickly as possible.  


You may also find many different types of warnings on an SEO audit. These warnings let you know when you have CSS file or JavaScript errors, when your text to HTML ratio is off, or when there is little text on a page. SEO audit warnings may also show you that the title tag lacks text or has too much or you forgot to write the meta description. Paying attention to these warnings can help improve your search engine rankings quickly.  

There are many different ways that an SEO audit can help you understand your website better. Work with a web design company in Orlando to get any issues fixed quickly. Call REK Marketing and Design to be your web design company in Orlando today.


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