SEO for website visibility

Website Visibility

How will your website be found if it’s not at the top of searches?

REK specializes in ranking your company for the key words that your clients are searching for.

Afterall, what good is a fantastic looking website if it’s not visible to your customers?

If you’re not on page #1 of Google, you’re business is not operating at its full potential.

Let your business be seen with our SEO services. Take your company’s online presence to a new level and help your clients find you online.

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We Help Your Business Thrive Online
with Proven SEO Strategies.


Effective SEO Solutions

Why You Need SEO

Simply put, it's your road to success

The elegant combination of great SEO in addition to mobile-friendly web services will give you an edge on the local competition, ultimately giving you more leads. Having an awesome, well designed website is extremely important (FREE with our SEO service), but it's even more important that your website is coded and structured properly for SEO, and without errors.

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How Does SEO Effect My Revenue?


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On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO

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On-page SEO refers to any optimization done on the actual content of your website. This includes things like optimizing titles and meta descriptions, using relevant keywords throughout your content, ensuring proper formatting, creating internal links between pages on your site, using alt tags for images and frequently updating your website. All of these elements are important for helping search engine spiders understand your page content and rank it accordingly in search results.

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Off-page SEO focuses on external factors that can affect how well a page ranks in search results. This includes things like citations and back linking. All of these activities work together to build up the authority of your website in the eyes of search engines so that they will rank it higher in search results.

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Why Content Writing Matters

Content and design work together to enhance the message of your site through visuals and text. Written text should always be relevant and useful, because confusing the reader is a great way to make them leave your page and move on to the next. Content should be optimized for search engines and be of a suitable length, incorporating relevant keywords for SEO. Many years ago, if you wanted to rank high in the SERPS you would simply stuff as many relevant keywords as you could into a jumble of text and call it a day.

Nowadays, SEO isn’t so simple. Not only does the content have to be filled with information, it needs to be engaging too. Content needs to ensure that people don’t just click on your website; you want people to come back. Ask any SEO service and they will tell you that “Content is King” for a reason – even more than the products on your site, content is the very reason people will be attracted to your company. REK has experienced content writers on staff to deliver the product or service you are promoting online the right way.

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Blogging for content marketing


If you want to rank high on any major search engine you'll need lots of content for SEO. One way to achieve this is by having blogs. Blogs are a great way to drive traffic to your website in a unique way. As we talked about earlier, content is the King of getting you traffic, but your website may not have that many pages – blogs can fix this problem. Each time you post a blog it adds more content to your website, which the search engines want to see. Blogging also adds the social media element into the mix. Sure, people can “like” your business page, but blogs offer the opportunity to be shared individually on social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest to name a few. Search engines love fresh and unique content, and by writing blogs we can give them exactly what they need. REK has experienced writers on staff that can deliver unique content for any budget.

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