4 Your Business Benefits Needs to Know About SEO

4 Your Business Benefits Needs to Know About SEO

Most business owners are educated on the value of SEO and why it is essential for their business website. However, many business owners only understand the definition of search engine optimization but don't fully understand why search engine optimization is so necessary for businesses today. The value of SEO reaches far beyond search engines and even impacts companies that do not have websites.

Experts offer these four reasons every business owner should know about search engine optimization:

Search rankings matter

Website owners can find tremendous value from being at the top of search engine rankings. Researchers estimate that 75% of clicks on the internet searches end up going to the top five search engine positions. Research can further break this down to show that over 90% of clicks following a Google search go to the first searchable page. This fact alone shows how important search and engine optimization is. In addition, there are likely millions of web pages on the internet that can match a potential keyword. Therefore, search engine optimization gives businesses the best possible chance of having a high ranking based on a particular phrase or word.

The value of SEO in Orlando has also increased with mobile devices. Since the introduction of tablets and smartphones, more internet searches are being performed than ever in history. In addition, the use of specific algorithms for local and mobile searches also gives businesses new opportunities for their website to be at the top of the search results.

SEO helps a business connect with its target audience.

Sometimes we take for granted how amazing it is that with trillions of content pages on the internet, a search engine can find one that answers a specific question within just a few seconds. Access to knowledge in our society has been forever changed by finding information so quickly with an internet search. Using proven SEO tactics can allow a business to highlight keywords within their content, descriptions, image names, and blog post titles, helping their information reach the people searching for it on the internet.

SEO benefits businesses without websites.

SEO reaches far beyond businesses that own websites. Search engines can give users information on companies with or without websites. Simply having a Google business profile or other profile listed online can help a business benefit from internet searches without ever needing a website. Google Maps and Google My

Business bring up businesses' searches even without websites. Businesses can add phone numbers, descriptions, images, and an address through these accounts that will show up in consumers' mobile searches when they are near that business area. Network data, like directions and customer reviews, will pop up in Google searches regardless of website ownership. Your business can be found quickly by even more customers looking for your services if you use keywords in your Google My Business account descriptions.

Good SEO works on multiple platforms

Even though Google is the most popular search engine, SEO is not just a Google thing or even a search engine thing. Social networks and shopping platforms require search abilities to sort through the content and find what a user is looking for. Using proper SEO practices is the best way to ensure your user-generated content can be seen on an enormous scale. There is value in sellers being at the top of the list for eBay or Amazon searches just like there is for being at the top of

Google searches. If you want consumers to find your content and pages on social media, you should always use proper SEO practices in your profile descriptions, posted content, and page information.

Though search platforms on internal sites are not usually as comprehensive as Google, they are smart enough to apply the right keywords to determine the best content or page for a search. As time progresses, searches will grow more advanced.

It's easy to see the importance of SEO for a business owner regardless of whether a business is online or offline. For example, target customers are online and use SEO in Orlando to help them find the companies and services they need.

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