Eight Facts about Web Development That Will Help You Understand the Process

Eight Facts about Web Development That Will Help You Understand the Process

Are you wondering what to prioritize when it comes time to develop your business website?  Do you find yourself confused over the terms SEO, backlinks, meta data, and mobile responsive?  The more you understand about the process of web development in Orlando, the more successful you will be in integrating the right trends for growth.  There are a few facts that you should familiarize yourself with to better understand the process of web development.

The first impression is the most important

When it comes to creating your business website, the first impression is everything.  In fact, without a good first impression, there is no other impression.  If your users come to your site and don't like what they see within the first few seconds, they will navigate to another site.  From having a catchy landing page to providing them with quick and reliable information right away, you can capture the audience and keep them on your page.  Making a great first impression is extremely essential when it comes to web development in Orlando.

Less is more when it comes to content

When it comes to creating content for your website, you want to avoid having too many bulky paragraphs.  As a rule of thumb, you should aim to only have three sentences in a row before breaking in space.  This will create visual breaks that your users will need when they are scrolling.  When you have too many paragraphs, your users can become easily overwhelmed, which means they will stop reading before they get all the information.  

Lists are the way to go

When it comes to breaking up your content, you should consider using lists and bulleted outlines.  This is one of the easiest ways to create space between your content and then keep your readers interested.  Creating lists also provides your users with more white space, which is beneficial in getting them to focus on the most important information you need to relay.  This way, you highlight the most important stuff and leave the fluff out of it.  Users will get the information they need and then move on, which will translate to more sales.

The newer, the better

Updating your website is another great way to increase your SEO and create a positive user experience. By adding relevant information to your website, you will be able to encourage your users to come back to your website on a routine basis.  Adding a blog to your website is also beneficial in staying up-to-date and providing your loyal followers to keep coming back for more.  Relevant and evergreen, or rich, content is critical in positively impacting your SEO score, which can drive customers to your site and cause you to be discovered by more people on Google.

It can be learned

Even though web development in Orlando can seem daunting at first, it is something you can learn.  Although you may never get to the level of professionals, you can still design a basic and functional website to market your business.  Take your time and take it step-by-step to ensure that you don't make any costly mistakes.  Also, when you do your website yourself, you will want to take extra steps to troubleshoot any issues before you really do go live for an audience.  Have multiple people perform test runs on your site before it becomes live to an audience.

You must target an audience

When you gear your website content to an audience, you will be able to structure your website and market your content to them in specific.  By providing your audience with their tailored interests, you are able to meet their needs, which is more likely to translate into sales.  As you learn more about your target audience and what they are looking for, you should take the time to update your content to reflect their interests and needs.  Our experts in web development in Orlando will run analytics to test out the demographics so that you can determine your target audience.

Mobile responsive is a must

Over two-thirds of the users on your website will be on their smartphones or devices.  This means that it is extremely essential that you make sure that your site is mobile responsive.  When you make your website mobile responsive, it will adjust to the screen of the user so that you can have the ultimate viewing pleasure.  This takes into consideration things like screen ratio and features like the chat bot.  If you don’t make your site mobile responsive, it will be clunky and have slow loading speeds, which will cause over 66% of your users to leave your site right away.

Development is not the same thing as design

Many people assume that web development in Orlando is the same thing as web design.  However, this isn't true.  Web development involves more of the back end of the operations to get the website functioning and up and running.  However, the design aspect considers more of the aesthetic and features.  Web developers have a hand in both the front and back end of the operations, but the web designers only dabble in the design and the finishes of the website.  When you are troubleshooting issues, you will want to talk to the web developer to get the whole picture.

These are just a few of the facts that you will want to understand about web development in Orlando.  By taking the time to understand the ins and outs of web development, you will be able to learn what makes a business website become more successful in the long run.  Although it may seem daunting in the initial stages, you can create a successful business website with the help of the experts.  Contact REK Marketing to hear about our web development and design services today.

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