A Beginner’s Guide on Subdomain

A Beginner’s Guide on Subdomain


The world of website creation and management can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to it. One technical term that you may encounter is a "subdomain." If you've heard of a domain, which is the address of your website, then a subdomain is essentially a subdivision of that address. Understanding subdomains can be valuable in managing your site, improving its functionality, and even enhancing your online presence. In this blog post, we'll explore what a subdomain is and how you can use it to your advantage.


1. Defining a subdomain

Before we delve into subdomain details, let's clarify what it is. Fundamentally, a subdomain is a subset of a larger domain name. It's usually added to the beginning of the primary domain, separated by a dot, and designated by a unique name. For example, "blog" in "blog.yourwebsitename.com" is a subdomain. The primary domain is "yourwebsitename.com." Essentially, subdomains enable you to have separate websites or functional areas within a single domain name.

2. Benefits of subdomains

There are several reasons why you may want to use subdomains. Firstly, subdomains can improve your website's organization and make it easier to navigate. You can use them to categorize different types of content, such as blog posts or product pages. Secondly, subdomains give you more control over your website and can make it easier to maintain. You can assign different teams to manage different subdomains, ensuring that each area is optimized for its specific purpose. Thirdly, subdomains can enhance your SEO efforts and make your website more discoverable. Using keywords in your subdomain names can help Google understand your site better and rank it higher in search results.

3. How to set up a subdomain

Setting up a subdomain is relatively easy, but it requires some technical knowledge. The first step is to log in to your domain registrar or hosting control panel, depending on where your website is hosted. Next, you'll need to create a new DNS record for your subdomain, pointing it to the IP address of your server. After that, you can set up hosting for your subdomain, either by creating a new directory on your server or using a subdomain-specific hosting service. Once your subdomain is up and running, you can customize it with separate branding, content, and functionality.

4. Common subdomains to use

Now that you understand the benefits and mechanics of subdomains, you may be wondering what types of subdomains you could use on your website. Here are some common ones to consider:

  • Blog
    Use a subdomain for your blog, separating it from the rest of your website's content. This can help you establish a clear voice and tone for your blog and make it easier for visitors to find your articles.
  • Shop
    If you have an e-commerce site, using a subdomain for your online store can help you showcase your products and make it easier for customers to shop.
  • Events
    If you host events or webinars, using a subdomain for your registration pages and event information can help you streamline the process and make it easier for attendees to register.


In conclusion, subdomains are an essential tool in website creation and management. They enable you to organize your content effectively, improve your website's functionality, and enhance your SEO efforts. By understanding the mechanics of subdomains and exploring the different types you can use, you can create a more engaging and useful website for your visitors. If you're unsure how to set up subdomains or want to learn more about them, consider consulting with a web design or SEO company in Orlando, FL, like REK Marketing & Design for assistance.

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