Common Issues Why You're Not Getting Indexed by Google

Common Issues Why You're Not Getting Indexed by Google

Having a website for your business is beneficial for two reasons. One is that it gives your business an online presence where people can see what you offer and where they can get to know more about what your business is all about. The second reason why a website is beneficial is because it makes it easy for you to be found by potential customers. But what if your website is not getting indexed by Google? All your efforts to maintain a website could be for nothing. That's why it's important to identify the common issues why your website is not getting indexed by Google. In this blog post, we will talk about these issues, and if you're seeking for website and SEO services in Orlando, look no further than REK Marketing & Design.

1. Your Website is Not SEO-Friendly

The way your website is structured can greatly affect its search engine performance. Making sure that your website is SEO-friendly means that it is easily accessible for Google and other search engines. This includes using keywords, optimizing your pages, and following best SEO practices.

2. Your Website Lacks Quality Content

The quality and relevance of your content greatly affect your website's ranking on Google. Make sure that your content is unique, informative, and engaging to keep readers and visitors coming back to your site. Having fresh, relevant content on your website keeps Google interested and helps increase your website's visibility.

3. Your Website has Technical Issues

Technical issues can significantly affect your website's ranking on Google. These technical issues could be broken links, slow loading speed, inaccessible pages because of server errors, or issues with your website's crawlability.

4. Your Website isn't Mobile-friendly

With the increasing use of mobile devices, Google has emphasized that websites must be mobile-friendly to rank higher on search engines. Websites that are not optimized for mobile devices can encounter issues with visibility, ranking, and user experience on these devices. To ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, you can use Google's mobile-friendly test.

5. Your Website has Duplicate Content

Google values unique content, so having duplicate content on your site can significantly hurt your visibility on search engine results pages. To avoid this, make sure that the content on your website is original and not duplicated in any other web pages.



Having a website is crucial for any business in this digital age, but it's essential to make sure that your site is getting indexed by Google to increase your visibility online. By identifying the common issues why your website is not getting indexed by Google, you can take action and optimize your site to rank higher on search engine results pages. For website and SEO services in Orlando, REK Marketing & Design offers quality services to help your website get found online. With their expertise, they can help take your business to the next level.

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