Crawlability Problems & How to Fix Them

Crawlability Problems & How to Fix Them


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical component of digital marketing. One of the major aspects of SEO is ensuring that search engines can crawl and index your website correctly. However, there are many reasons why search engines might have trouble crawling your site. This can result in lower rankings and less traffic, affecting your online visibility and sales. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the most common crawlability problems and offer practical solutions on how to fix them.


1. Broken Links

Broken links can harm your SEO and create bad user experience. They can be caused by various issues such as deleted pages, incorrect or changed URLs, or broken code. To fix this, you should conduct regular audits using tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to identify broken links. Then, you can fix them by redirecting to the correct page or creating a new page with relevant content.

2. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can confuse search engines and negatively affect your rankings. It can occur due to various reasons such as similar articles, replicated product descriptions, or printer-friendly versions. To fix this, you should use canonical tags to indicate the original source of content or use 301 redirects to direct traffic to the original page. Additionally, you should ensure that all content on your website is unique and valuable.

3. Slow Page Speed

Slow page speed can not only affect user experience but also decrease crawlability. When search engines encounter slow-loading pages, they may give up indexing your site, leading to lower rankings. To fix this, you should use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze your website's speed and identify the issues. Then, you can optimize images, use a content delivery network (CDN), or minify code to improve page speed.

4. Poor URL Structure

Poor URL structure can also hinder your crawlability and rankings. URLs that are long, unreadable, or contain irrelevant parameters can be difficult for search engines to understand. To fix this, you should use concise and descriptive URLs that match your website's information architecture. Additionally, you should avoid using extraneous parameters and use hyphens instead of underscores for clarity.

5. Blocked Pages

Blocked pages can prevent search engines from crawling and indexing your content, resulting in lower search visibility. This can occur when you inadvertently block pages using the robots.txt file or meta tag. To fix this, you should examine your robots.txt file and ensure that it only blocks the appropriate pages. Additionally, you should use  meta tags to allow certain pages to be indexed.



Crawlability problems are a significant roadblock to achieving optimal SEO results. By understanding and fixing these common issues, you can improve your website's crawlability, enhance user experience, and attract more traffic to your site. Remember, a well-crafted website that is easy to crawl and understand is essential for your business's online success. If you want professional assistance in optimizing your website for SEO, contact REK Marketing & Design today for excellent SEO services in Orlando, FL.

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