Horizontal or Vertical Navigation Menu: Which One To Choose?

Horizontal or Vertical Navigation Menu: Which One To Choose?


Navigation is an essential component of every website, and its importance cannot be overstated. The navigation menu of a website allows users to move through pages and find the content they are looking for. Horizontal and vertical navigation menus are two common types of menus used in web design. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between these two types of navigation menus, and which one to choose for the best user experience.


Horizontal Navigation Menu

A horizontal navigation menu appears on the top of a webpage, usually directly above the content. They run from left to right across the top of the page, making it easy for users to locate the menu bar and scan through the links. This style of menu is best for websites with fewer categories. It is not recommended for websites with lots of subcategories.

Vertical Navigation Menu

A vertical navigation menu appears on the left or right side of a webpage. It runs from the top to the bottom, allowing for more links to fit on a page. This type of menu is best for websites with lots of categories and subcategories. Vertical menus take up more space and may not be suitable for websites with limited screen real estate.

Mobile Navigation Menu

With the increase in mobile phone usage, it is important to have an optimized navigation menu for smaller screens. The hamburger icon, which consists of three horizontal lines, is commonly used for mobile menus. When clicked, it reveals a slide-out menu that lists the different pages and categories. This menu allows for easy navigation on smaller screens.

Which Navigation Menu to Choose?

The type of navigation menu you should choose depends on the content and structure of your website. A horizontal menu is best suited for websites with fewer categories and subcategories. It is straightforward and easy to read, but limited in space. A vertical menu is best suited for websites with lots of categories and subcategories. It is organized and allows for more links to fit on a page, but it may take up too much space.



In conclusion, your choice of navigation menu can make a significant difference in the user experience of your website. When choosing between a horizontal and vertical menu, consider the number of categories and subcategories on your website. If you have fewer categories, go with horizontal navigation, and if you have more categories, choose a vertical menu. Additionally, your website needs an optimized mobile navigation menu to avoid any inconveniences to users browsing on mobile devices. The REK Marketing & Design is a leading Web development company in Orlando, FL, and can help you choose the best navigation menu for your website. Contact us today to learn more about web design and other marketing services.

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