Local Keyword Research for SEO

Local Keyword Research for SEO


Local SEO is becoming increasingly important as more and more businesses keep popping up every single day. As a small business owner, you wouldn't want to miss out on the potential clients in your locality, and this is where local SEO comes into play.

One of the most critical aspects of local SEO is local keyword research. In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about local keyword research for SEO, and how you can use it to get a better ranking on search engines like Google.


1. Start by Understanding Your Target Audience

The first step in local keyword research is identifying your target audience. Ask yourself, who are your customers? And where exactly do they reside? Understanding your target audience will give you ideas on the keywords that you should use.

For instance, if you run a restaurant business in Chicago, the keyword you should focus on would be "Chicago restaurant" rather than "best restaurant." The former will give you a higher chance of ranking, as it caters to your local customers.

2. Use Tools to Find the Best Keywords

Identifying the right keywords can be challenging, particularly if you're starting. Fortunately, there are dedicated tools that you can use to help you out. Google's Keyword Planner is an excellent tool that can help you unearth a ton of keywords that you can use for your local SEO.

Other tools such as Google Trends, Moz, and SEMRush can also come in handy. They will not only help you identify the right keywords but also provide you with additional data such as competition level, monthly searches, and so much more.

3. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer phrases that customers use to find what they're looking for on search engines. Using long-tail keywords will give you a higher chance of ranking higher than using short-tail keywords.

For instance, if you're in the plumbing business, "The best plumbing company in Chicago" would be a better long-tail keyword than simply 'Plumbing company.' When using long-tail keywords, you want to focus on conversational and natural phrases that your customers can use on their day-to-day life.

4. Optimize Your Website

After identifying the right keywords, you want to ensure that your website is optimized to reflect these keywords. Make sure to include the keywords throughout your website's content, including the meta descriptions, titles, body copy, and tags.

This will not only make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages but also improve your ranking. However, make sure to strike a balance between using your keywords and ensuring that your content is natural, conversational, and engaging.

5. Make Use of Local Directories

Finally, make use of local directories such as Yelp, Tripadvisor, and Google My Business. These directories will not only help you attract new customers but also improve your SEO ranking.



Local keyword research is vital for small businesses that want to optimize their online presence. It's important to identify your target audience, use dedicated tools, focus on long-tail keywords, optimize your website, and make use of local directories to ensure that you're maximizing your chances of ranking higher in search engines. If you have limited time and expertise, it’s best to leave it to professionals. If you need help with your website's SEO, reach out to REK Marketing & Design today for all your SEO needs.

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