Navigating Your Website with Style

Navigating Your Website with Style


Navigation is an integral part of website designing. The purpose of a navigation bar is to guide the user throughout the website and help them find what they are looking for. However, it can also make or break the user experience. A poorly designed navigation bar can be confusing and frustrating, causing the user to abandon the website altogether. To make sure that your website stands out from the crowd and provides users with a seamless experience, you need a navigation bar that is both creative and innovative.


Hamburger Menu Navigation Design

This is a popular design trend that has been around for years and still going strong. This design allows you to present all the major navigation links in a single button, with a simple click/touch, the menu slides-and covers the entire page, enabling an enhanced user experience without any complex navigation.

Fixed Sidebar Navigation Design

This design offers a sidebar that remains fixed on the website, providing easy access to all the important links. This is perfect for websites with lots of web pages that need primary and secondary navigation systems.

Grid Navigation Design

This navigation style is used when you have a lot of products or services to showcase on your website. It is a grid of images which allows the user to click directly on what they are looking for. Grid navigation design is very easy to navigate and very pleasing to the eye.

Scroll Cues Navigation Design

The scroll cue navigation is great for telling a story on a single page layout, offers users the ability to keep scrolling while providing them with visual cues of the different sections as they scroll down, making it a great choice for online portfolios and creative website designs.

Minimalist Navigation Design

This design style is popular with people who like minimalist websites. A simple design, with only a few links displayed at the top or bottom of the screen which blends with the overall website design, gaining a great look and feel with a few elements. Even though it seems minimal, this design style still complements businesses that require simple and straightforward navigation.



Designing your website's navigation layout requires thoughtful consideration and research. These five designs, including hamburger menu, fixed sidebar, grid, scroll cues, and minimalist navigation design, provide a range of options that can be tailored to suit your business needs. By incorporating these innovative navigation design elements, you can ensure that your website is not only user-friendly, but enjoyable to browse too. Don't forget the power of your website's SEO too, connecting Orlando business owners with online customers through REK Marketing & Design-the digital marketing agency you need to boost your online presence!

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