Nofollow vs. Follow Links: Which One Is Right For Your Website?

Nofollow vs. Follow Links: Which One Is Right For Your Website?


Links are essential in building a website's authority and advancing its search engine rankings. However, not all links are created equal. Some links can harm your website's rank, while others can help it. This is where the concept of nofollow vs. follow links comes in. With so many technical terms and nuances involved, it’s understandable how one can quickly become confused. In this post, we will break down the difference between these two types of links and help you determine which one is best for your website.


First, let us define what nofollow and follow links are. A nofollow link is a hyperlink with a rel=”nofollow” tag that is placed within the HTML code of a website. This tag tells the search engines to ignore that link and not transfer any search engine ranking benefits from the linking page to the linked page. This means that when a search engine crawls a webpage and comes across a nofollow link, it will not follow that link or count it as a vote toward the page being linked to. On the other hand, follow links are the opposite, they tell search engines to follow the link and transfer page authority from the linking page to the page being linked.

Now, what’s the difference between the two? Follow links pass link equity, which can improve your website’s trustworthiness, authority, and SEO rankings, whereas nofollow links do not. No follow links are great for deterring spam and reducing the risk of Google penalties from black-hat tactics that try to manipulate the search engine rankings.

The general rule of thumb is that links should be follow. However, there are situations where nofollow links come in handy. For instance, if you’re using a paid advertorial like sponsored content, including a nofollow link will ensure that you comply with Google’s guidelines. Nofollow links are also appropriate for affiliate programs, blog comments, and any other links that you cannot vouch for the credibility of the source or are paid links.

In addition, nofollow links are beneficial for reducing the negative impact of external links. By adding a nofollow attribute to an external link, you can protect your website from being penalized by any negative linking from spammy websites. By doing this, you safeguard your website’s reputation while still associating yourself with other great websites.



Choosing the right kind of link depends on several factors such as your website niche, audience, and marketing goals. While follow links pass link equity, nofollow links also have their own advantages and are great for deterring spam and reducing the risk of receiving Google penalties. Understanding the difference between the two and when to use each one can help you prevent your website from being flagged as a spammer, boost your SEO rankings, and ultimately build your website’s authority. At REK Marketing & Design, we can help you understand the different types of links and how they can affect your website's overall visibility. If you're looking for a professional SEO service, contact us today for more information on our professional SEO services.

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