Tips on Structuring Your Website’s Framework for SEO

Tips on Structuring Your Website’s Framework for SEO


Your website’s framework is the backbone of your online presence. It entails the layout, design, and structure of your website – all of which play a significant role in determining your search engine rankings. In order to ensure that your website ranks highly on search engines, it’s important to structure your website’s framework in a way that’s SEO-friendly. This will not only help improve your search engine visibility but also drive more traffic to your website. Here are some tips on how to structure your website’s framework for SEO.


Start with a clear website hierarchy

A clear website hierarchy is the foundation of an SEO-friendly website structure. This structure consists of the main categories, subcategories, and individual pages of your website. Essentially, it helps search engines and users understand the relationship between different pages and sections of your website. Ensure that your website hierarchy is simple, logical, and easy to follow, and that each page is only a few clicks away from the homepage.

Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs

Your website’s URLs are also an important part of its framework and should be structured in a way that’s SEO-friendly. Make sure your URLs are descriptive and contain relevant keywords that accurately describe the content on the page. This will help search engines understand what your page is about and improve your chances of ranking for relevant queries.

Optimize your website's navigation

Navigation is another important aspect of a good website structure. Make sure your website has a clear and easy-to-use navigation menu that guides users to different sections of your website. Optimize your navigation to ensure that search engines can crawl and index all of your pages, and avoid using links that duplicate content or that are buried deep within the architecture of your website.

Use internal linking effectively

Internal linking is the process of linking one page on your website to another. This technique not only helps users move through your website but also gives search engines an idea of how your content relates to each other. Use internal linking to connect related content, ensure that every page has at least one link pointing to it, and avoid linking to irrelevant or low-quality pages.

Make your website mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendliness is a crucial aspect of a good website structure. A website that’s mobile-friendly is optimized for use on mobile devices and offers a seamless user experience, regardless of the device being used. Google now gives priority to mobile-friendly websites in its search engine rankings, so it’s essential that your website is optimized for use on mobile devices.



Website structuring is a crucial aspect of SEO that shouldn’t be overlooked. By following these tips, you can ensure that your website’s framework is optimized for search engines and users, driving more traffic and higher search engine rankings. Remember that your website’s structure should always revolve around the needs of your users, and that search engine optimization is just one aspect of website design and development. Finally, if you’re looking for website and SEO services in Orlando, REK Marketing & Design is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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