A Guide to Choosing the Right Focus Keyword

A Guide to Choosing the Right Focus Keyword


For any website to rank high on search engines, choosing the right focus keyword is crucial. A focus keyword is the search term that you expect the content to rank for in search engine results pages. A well-chosen focus keyword can increase your website’s visibility, attract more traffic, and lead to more conversions. However, choosing the wrong focus keyword can result in poor results and rank your website lower. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when choosing the right focus keyword.


1. Research and Analyze

Before writing any content or choosing a focus keyword, take the time to research and analyze the keywords that your target audience is searching for. It’s important to use the right keywords that resonate with your audience's search queries as this improves the chances of ranking higher in the search results pages. Google Keyword Planner is a useful tool that can provide you with keyword ideas based on search volume and competition levels. Alternatively, you can analyze your competitors and find out the keywords that they are using from their domain authority index.

2. Be Specific

It’s important to be specific when choosing your focus keyword. Generic keywords are too broad and will likely lead to low traffic levels. Specific keywords, on the other hand, will attract traffic that is looking for something more precise. For instance, if you sell kitchen items, use the keyword ‘kitchen items’ instead of ‘household items’. By using a specific keyword, you attract a more targeted audience.

3. Bring in Technique

Once you have a list of potential keywords, use the latest SEO techniques in optimizing the keywords. Use the keyword or key phrase in the title, meta description, and in your content's body. Use the keyword several times in your article, but ensure that it does not exceed the recommended keyword density limit. Optimize your images’ alt text and file names by using your focus keyword. By using these techniques, search engines understand the relevance of your content better and will rank it higher in the search results pages.

4. Consider Intent

When selecting your focus keyword, think about the search intent behind it. What's the purpose behind that keyword? Is it a keyword with intent to buy or intent to learn? For instance, the keywords 'the best laptop to buy' and 'how to choose the best laptop' are different. The former is for an audience who wants to buy a laptop, while the latter for those who want to learn how to choose the best laptop.

5. Check the Competition

The competition is another aspect to consider when selecting your focus keyword. High competition means it will be tough to rank fast, whereas low competition means that the keywords are not searched often. Use SEO tools to determine the competition level. If your website is new and yet to gain authority, consider the low-competition keywords.



In conclusion, choosing the right focus keyword is paramount for a website to get ranked higher in the search engine results pages. Take time to research and analyze the keywords that your target audience is searching for before choosing the specific keywords to use. Be specific and use the latest SEO techniques in optimizing your content. Also, consider the intent and competition of the keywords. At REK Marketing & Design, we specialize in SEO services and can help get your website to rank high on search engines. Contact us today for more information.

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