Does Inclusive Language Help You Rank?

Does Inclusive Language Help You Rank?


In today's digital landscape, where billions of searches are made every day, standing out in a crowded market is a challenge for every content creator and marketer. One rising star in the realm of search engine optimization (SEO) is the concept of inclusive language. But how does this relate to SEO, and could it truly elevate your rankings? Let's dive in.


The Power of Inclusive Language

At its core, inclusive language aims to avoid expressions or words that exclude certain groups of people; it's about writing in a way that makes everyone feel respected and acknowledged. This approach is not only ethical and socially sensible but also opens up a brand to a wider audience.

Inclusive Language and SEO: A Synergetic Relationship

From an SEO perspective, broadening your audience means broadening your opportunities to rank. By employing inclusive language, content may naturally contain a variety of keywords that resonate with different groups. This helps your content reach more people who might be looking for that inclusive approach—an audience that's growing larger by the day.

When people feel seen and understood, they're more likely to engage with your content, sharing it and spending more time on your site, which Google recognizes as signs of quality and relevance.

Understanding the Impact on Search Rankings

Search engines strive to provide users with the most relevant and valuable content. As society embraces inclusivity, search engines are not far behind. They evolve continuously, recognizing not just keywords but the intentions and inclusivity behind the words. Engaging in practices of inclusivity could lead to higher organic rankings as it aligns with the goal of providing value to a diverse audience.

Ranking Inclusively

Here are some ways to incorporate inclusive language:

  • Use gender-neutral terms: Instead of 'fireman', use 'firefighter', 'chairman' to 'chairperson', etc.
  • Avoid assumptions: Don't assume familiarity with cultural norms or jargon that might not be universally understood.
  • Accessible content: Write content that's easy to understand for non-native speakers or individuals with reading difficulties.
  • Reflect diversity: Use examples, stories, and images that reflect a diverse range of communities.

Implementing Inclusive Language in Your SEO Strategy

To properly weave inclusive language into your SEO strategy, keyword research remains a cornerstone activity. Understand the language of your audience by leveraging tools that pull data from actual search trends. Then, tailor your content strategy to reflect those terms.

In addition, here are actionable steps you can take:

  • Audit your content: Review existing content for non-inclusive language or missed opportunities to speak to a wider audience.
  • Competitor analysis: See how competitors address (or fail to address) inclusivity and carve out your niche.
  • Train your team: Make sure your writers and content creators are educated on the benefits and implementation of inclusive language.

Measuring the Impact on Your SEO Efforts

As with any SEO endeavor, tracking your performance is crucial. Monitor your keyword rankings, organic traffic levels, engagement metrics, and backlink profiles. Look for improvements over time as you implement inclusive language practices—they may be subtle at first but can grow to show significant impact.

Inclusive Language: The Way Forward for SEO?

Inclusion in SEO isn't just the right thing to do from a social standpoint; it's smart marketing. Search engines reflect the values of their users, and as inclusivity becomes increasingly important, it's reasonable to anticipate that inclusive language can improve your rankings.

Your Next Step

Ready to get started or need expert advice to boost your website's SEO with inclusive language? Contact REK Marketing & Design today for more information. Our team of SEO specialists can help you develop a strategy that respects, includes, and reaches a diverse and evolving audience.

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