Enhance Your Website's SEO with Accessibility

Enhance Your Website's SEO with Accessibility

One of the most significant aspects of digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO helps your website rank higher in search engines, which in turn drives traffic to your website and increases your online visibility. However, it is essential to recognize that accessibility can play a crucial role in improving your website's SEO. Accessibility means enabling your website visitors to access, navigate, and use your website, despite any physical or cognitive constraints they may have. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of accessibility in SEO and how it can help boost your website's search rankings. 


1. Increased Web Traffic

As a business owner, you want your website to be accessible to as many users as possible, regardless of their physical or cognitive constraints. By ensuring your website is accessible, you can attract users who use assistive technologies like screen readers, text-to-speech software, and braille displays. These technologies help people with vision impairments, hearing loss, and other disabilities to access and use your website. By catering to these users, you can increase your web traffic, which can result in better rankings on search engines.

2. Better Website Usability

Accessibility in website design can help to improve your website's functionality and usability for all users, which increases your chances of getting higher rankings on Google or other search engines. When a website is easy to navigate, with clear labeling, accessible images, and a clear hierarchy of information, its usability is improved, and users can access your content with ease. In contrast, a poorly designed website will lead to frustration and a high bounce rate, which can adversely affect your SEO ranking.

3. Use of Alt-tags

Search engines like Google use algorithms to understand and rank websites based on the relevance of their content. However, algorithms do not understand images or videos on a website, which is where alt-tags come into the picture. Alt-tags are HTML attributes that provide context to search engines and visually-impaired users about what an image is all about. Alt-tags can boost the SEO of your website by improving its understanding of the relevance of your content.

4. Improve Website Loading Time

Website loading speed is a significant factor in the ranking algorithm of search engines. Websites with slow loading times can lead to poor user-experience, which then affects the ranking of your website. An accessible website design can help boost your website ranking by improving the load times of your website. A simplified website design reduces the file size of the website, resulting in faster page speeds, which positively affects your website's SEO.

5. Boost Social Media Sharing

Social media has become an essential aspect of modern-day marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram utilize Open Graph protocols to display the content of a website on their platform. When your website is accessible, you can take advantage of these protocols when sharing your website's content on social media, thus generating more traffic to your website and improving your SEO rankings.



Overall, creating an accessible website design is essential to gain higher SEO rankings and improve the user experience of your website. By making changes like adding alt-tags, using clear labeling, simplifying website designs, and reducing load times, you can improve the accessibility of your website, thus improving your website's usability and search engine ranking. If you require help with improving your website's accessibility and SEO, then contact REK Marketing & Design today. Our team of professionals can work with you to create a bespoke website with top-notch SEO rankings that adhere to accessibility standards.

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