Tips in Creating Great Page Titles for SEO

Tips in Creating Great Page Titles for SEO


When it comes to search engine optimization or SEO in Orlando, FL, the page title is one of the most important elements to consider. Page titles help determine what your website is about and also help search engines understand what kind of content they can expect to find on your site. In short, page titles play a crucial role in your website's SEO. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to create great page titles for SEO and help your website rank higher on search engine results pages.


1. Use Keywords

Keywords are known to be an essential aspect of SEO and are used to rank websites on search engines. Including relevant keywords in your page titles can help search engines identify what your website's about. However, you should be careful! Overuse of keywords (also known as keyword stuffing) can harm your website's SEO rather than help it. Make sure to use keywords judiciously, especially in the page titles.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

The page title's length shouldn't exceed more than 60 characters since search engines will only display up to that length. As a result, it's essential to keep your page titles short and precise. Shorter titles are more user-friendly and easier to understand; hence, they attract more clicks.

3. Unique Page Titles

Each page on your website should have a unique page title. Identical titles across pages can confuse search engines, impacting your website's SEO negatively. Make sure to include relevant keywords and a short description of the page content in your unique title.

4. Eye Catching Titles

It is essential to make sure that the title you choose is eye-catching and informative. An interesting and clear page title can lead to a higher click-through rate, which will ultimately improve your website's SEO.

5. Branding and Tone

It's always better to strike a balance between branding and tone. While your title should include the relevant keywords, it must also be engaging, and in line with the tone and voice of your website. Make sure to keep your audience and brand in mind as you create unique page titles.



Page titles are among the essential aspects of SEO that one should consider while setting up a website or creating content. Good page titles help both search engines and users to interpret what the site's content entails. In this article, we have discussed tips on creating great page titles for SEO, and we hope this will help boost your website's rankings on search engines. Remember, to get the best SEO services in Orlando, FL, you can contact REK Marketing & Design today for expert assistance.

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