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The Top 5 Factors To Keeping Your Website Updated

The Top 5 Factors To Keeping Your Website Updated

Keeping your website up-to-date is the only way to stay competitive in the modern economy. Allowing your competitors to get the upper-hand in web marketing is a potential long-term loss of revenue and leads for your business. Staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and technology will keep your business on top, and here’s how you do it. 1. Get rid of Broken Links Have you even been on a website and clicked on an interesting link only to find that it lea...

3 Creative Ways to Solve Your Website Content Problem

3 Creative Ways to Solve Your Website Content Problem

Running a business and creating content for your website are difficult tasks when undertaken simultaneously. If you’re coming up short in the content department, here are a few ways to increase production. 1. Join Niche Groups Find an area of interest and focus on it with your website. Find a niche group that you can draw in through your business. Take, for example, a group of foodies who are passionate about food trucks and are against laws that are inhibiting the...

5 Tips for Local Search Engine Optimization

5 Tips for Local Search Engine Optimization

If your business is based in a specific area, local search engine optimization is a catalyst for the success of your business. Being a dominant search result in your area pulls in local customers and attracts people who are only visiting. Here are the five best ways to capitalize on the power of local SEO. 1. Don’t forget to NAP First off, make sure your name, address and phone number (NAP) are on your website. This information is critical to your SEO, so make sure...

The Importance Of A Good Website For Your Business

The Importance Of A Good Website For Your Business

Having a responsive website today is very important as the internet is how many more people are looking for information, making it a major source of clients for most companies. This means that your website must be easily accessible, no matter what type of device the potential client uses to access your URL. Why does your Business need a Website? A website is an essential tool for success in the modern economy. Websites allow instant interaction, transaction, and 24-hour ...

Why You Should Have a Mobile Optimized Website

Why You Should Have a Mobile Optimized Website

Google announced on April 21, 2015, the launch of its new update that will revolutionize mobile searches. Since then, not only do Google search results show if your site is optimized for mobile but they also officially take this criterion into account to rank your site. This makes mobile optimization paramount for SEO. What is a Mobile optimized website? Mobile optimization is primarily concerned with enabling your website to be accessed from different screen resolutions...

Common Bad SEO Practices You Should Avoid

Common Bad SEO Practices You Should Avoid

Prioritizing SEO is important for promoting your business, but it can lead to some poor marketing practices. Trying to spread your brand far and wide can spread it thin as well. Here are some of the pitfalls to avoid when working toward search engine optimization: Poor or duplicated content Uninformative and repetitive content doesn’t deter customers, it flags your content from Google priority. You will be less likely to be prioritized by Google if your content lac...

Tips For Choosing The Best Domain Name For Your Website

Tips For Choosing The Best Domain Name For Your Website

Are you creating a website, but don’t know what domain name to go with? The domain name you choose is an important keystone of your online presence. This decision must be made carefully, so here are a few tips to help you settle down on the right domain name for your business: 1. Brand domain Simply using the name of your business as the domain name of your website is great for solidifying your brand. There are many successful businesses that operate online who&rsq...

Why Organic SEO Is Superior To Pay-Per-Click

Why Organic SEO Is Superior To Pay-Per-Click

Organic SEO is the use of careful marketing practices to attract customers and generate interest in your business. Pay-per-click (PPC) is the purchase of ad space on the front page of search engines to guarantee search engine priority. Organic SEO is far superior, and here’s why: Trust and Impression Data obtained from SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages) report that 77 percent of internet search engine users prefer to click on actual search results over paid ads. PP...

How Web Design Affects SEO

How Web Design Affects SEO

The SEO strategy of a company is a critical point in its development. It allows it to quickly position its site at the top of the search engine results, attract internet users to its site and generate more revenue. To establish a solid foundation for your SEO strategy, here are some tips that will enable you to integrate SEO into your website as soon as it is created. Work on the contents of your website Consider the market you’re in and decide the type o...

The Importance of Content Building in SEO

The Importance of Content Building in SEO

Content is King Content is the medium by which SEO boosts your business. Think of your online content as a river through which business flows to you. What separates mediocre business websites from the cream of the crop is content. Here we will discuss how content paves the way to success and how you can create your own unique content. What is content building? Good content not only assures you of revisits from your current range of readers, when done right an...

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