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What to Know About Location-Based SEOSEO in Orlando Search Engine Optimization is an important factor in growing a business. Taking advantage of SEO fully involves the use of location-based SEO. If you’re in business near the Orlando area, it’s in your best interest to calibrate your search engine optimization to your specific area. Here’s what you stand to gain from location-based SEO: Benefits From a tourism standpoint, using specific location information to promote your busi... |
Terms Used in Web MarketingAs the role and inner workings of the internet have grown more complex, so has the role and terminology associated with web marketing. In this article, we will help you get up to speed with all of the web marketing jargon being used today. Look into each of these terms to get a better understanding of the process as a whole. 1. Ad ѕрасе The location and amount of space an advertisement takes up on a webpage. The cost of this increases more as the popularity of the w... |
Web Marketing for BeginnersA majority of business owners have websites but are unaware of the complex practice of web marketing. Web marketing is the future of business and is essential to any successful modern practice. Here’s everything you need to know if you’re new to the concept of web marketing. What is web marketing? Web or internet marketing broadly refers to marketing efforts that are done online to help spread the word about a business’s goods and services. There are ma... |
Top Tips for Improving Your Website’s Google RankingEvery business wants to be on the front page of Google. With the right resources, and some help from REK Marketing and Design, consider business a likely candidate for the number one spot in your customers’ search results. Here are some crucial tips that will aide you in your journey to the front page of Google: 1. Have a solid foundation The key to good search engine optimization is having a good website structure and site map. Even the most expensive SEO campaign... |
Common Web Design MistakesWeb design is a complex process with a very steep learning curve. A small business owner with no experience with coding or a long-standing business with no web presence is bound to make mistakes when entering the field of web design. Here are common mistakes first-time web designers make, and how to avoid them: 1. Don’t Guess with Source Code Computer coding is an unforgiving system of syntax, style, and mathematical linguistics. Like any spoken language, a program... |
Benefits of Accepting Payments OnlineThe liquidity of money refers to how fluidly it circulates on the world economy. Economists call it M1, the grand aggregate of all liquid money in the economy, ready to be spent. Long gone are the days dominated by paper currency transactions and physical checks. The future of economic transaction is digital. Cash will never be fully removed from the equation, but digital funds transfer will soon become the primary form of business transaction. Here’s how your business can capitalize on... |
Should you Upgrade your Website?Technology develops as quickly as consumer taste, meaning that updates to your business website are mandatory. Compare the Google of 2008 to the Google of today. Google has embraced clean modern design, as most top grossing websites of today. If you’re wondering when it’s time to upgrade your website, or wondering what’s to gain from an upgrade, this article is for you. Common Problems that show that Your Website needs an Upgrade Unacceptably sl... |
The Top 5 Factors To Keeping Your Website UpdatedKeeping your website up-to-date is the only way to stay competitive in the modern economy. Allowing your competitors to get the upper-hand in web marketing is a potential long-term loss of revenue and leads for your business. Staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and technology will keep your business on top, and here’s how you do it. 1. Get rid of Broken Links Have you even been on a website and clicked on an interesting link only to find that it lea... |
3 Creative Ways to Solve Your Website Content ProblemRunning a business and creating content for your website are difficult tasks when undertaken simultaneously. If you’re coming up short in the content department, here are a few ways to increase production. 1. Join Niche Groups Find an area of interest and focus on it with your website. Find a niche group that you can draw in through your business. Take, for example, a group of foodies who are passionate about food trucks and are against laws that are inhibiting the... |
5 Tips for Local Search Engine OptimizationIf your business is based in a specific area, local search engine optimization is a catalyst for the success of your business. Being a dominant search result in your area pulls in local customers and attracts people who are only visiting. Here are the five best ways to capitalize on the power of local SEO. 1. Don’t forget to NAP First off, make sure your name, address and phone number (NAP) are on your website. This information is critical to your SEO, so make sure... |